Friday, January 8, 2016

Multiple Priorities

Being a working student Mom is not an easy task. It gets no easier when you are getting close to the 40s.  Working has its own stresses and working on a Masters degree is hard work. Children's homework and projects are tasks that you have to have patience and knowledge to help with.  The brain can sometimes feel like it needs a holiday with all the demands.

However, this is what keeps me going. Juggling the various responsibilities and managing my time keep my heart pumping! With all these tasks, I put on my music and enjoy myself. I have made music my crutch to keep me alert and in tune, literally.

When the stress hits, music is such an antidote to the stress. Right now, it's Akon in the background and earlier there was some Chris Brown, John Legend, Snoop Dog, T-Pain, Outkast, Vivian Green and much more. There was gospel earlier too! Tonight wasn't so much a soca or reggae night. I think ZBVI got me started because they've been playing some nice music these days. 

Growing up, the radio and my imagination were my friends at home. I guess that's why I became interested in learning and started dabbling in my hair and in sewing. At least these skills help me in being a mom. However, I think I need to be more patient with my children . Somehow, I think that they should know certain concepts or words because.......they learned it in the previous grades?! I am a work in progress! I am trying to be a better student as well in turning in my assignment on time. As an employee and supervisor, I'm working on that too!


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Why Do I Hate Group Projects?

This is another blog entry that has no easy answer. I am not a fan of group projects. In a few cases,  I have been the one doing all the work and conversely, there was an instance where I was the one being the trouble maker. Yes, I was the troublemaker because I was going through a phase. However, in more cases, I believe that I did my fair share and of course, there were the few instances where I did more than my share. I always want good grades/evaluation so I will push and get my work done. I'm not afraid of a challenge and I will do my best to get the job done.

I see my children  having group projects this school year and it is frustrating. I tell them to show leadership and ensure that all the students have a part to play. I know how it is in college and on the job with these types of stresses - so imagine a nine or eleven year old. Of course, I'm fearful for them because I don't like the fact that another student's performance could impact my children's grades.

Mind you, I do love the collaborative aspect because it helps to build teamwork and leadership skills. So I'm not knocking it completely. I think it's probably a bit too much one time. I guess if I had one child, it wouldn't bother me as much. All I can do is assist with research and ideas, and pray that all will go well.


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What to Do When There's No Electricity

To be honest, I don't have a right answer. When the power is out, if you live in breezy areas like me, you can sleep, cook, take a walk or wonder why you didn't charge the phone! If you have a vehicle, take a drive down the road and see what's up.  Yesterday, I cleaned windows and screens, and mopped the porch. Today, I rested.

The one thing that we all love to do is get on the phone and call the power company. If it had gone until 12pm, I would call because the power was also out at my children's school. Lunch time - no microwave - not good.

However, as we think about the lack of power, tv, internet etc, maybe the time should be spent reflecting on improvements for the future. Literally do some housework or organization or meditate on your next move. What can I do differently as a person, as a parent, as a student, as an employee and as a supervisor? How can I impact the world? I wear many hats and this demands that I be organized. How can I better take car of my health?

Sometimes, we get so caught into technology, we forget to live and relax. So, firstly, plan and organize yourself. Get up in the morning and get ready. Iron your clothes in advance. We just have to aim at being more prepared - in mind, body and soul - for work and for life.


Friday, January 1, 2016

POEM: Managing the Challenges

Challenges are inevitable
but remember those moments
that are memorable
because they may be linked
to some unforgettable
challenge that opened our eyes
or brought some big surprise
that completely changed our lives
maybe not for the better
but God know best
and with every test
we become not less
but impressive
as our life resumé
expands and improves
so take each day in pace
because no one knows
what is next to be faced
sometimes we lose our grace
and may even feel disgraced
but rise up and rise above and 
take every step with love


Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt