Saturday, August 3, 2013

Poem: New Thinking

Have you been
torn from the seams
or does it seem
that the world is against you?
Don't fight that battle
stay focused on
your goals.
There are times when
the enemy will be
working overtime
but you've got
a bigger friend
in Jesus
so don't get mislead
or defeated
the battle is not yours
leave it in the hands
of the master
cause he gave you talent
that you can use
to inspire a nation
make innovations
build a godly reputation
they'll think
you're the hit sensation
but you really
are just shining
God's light
so don't let
the present plight
stand in your way
and put your hope
where it needs to be
don't worry about
what you can't see
be encouraged
and let God
do his thing!


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Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt