Thursday, May 2, 2013

POEM: Inconsistencies

Inconsistencies are a constant
but background checks are non-existent
no level playing field
but lots of underhanded evil deeds
there seems to be no end in sight
the people don't even want to fight
but as more things come to light
we're seeing that living is tight
and every night
the plunderers are out to get us
in high and low places
there's no one to trust
change is in the people's hands
change may have to become
the plan
and when I say change
I mean for the better
cause I what see
needs more than a letter
and what I know is that
it can't continue
we have to raise our morals
and fix the issues
the unfinished business
and petty nonsenses
and the broken cookie jar
and that's just the start
but the real start
starts with you

© Linette Rabsatt 5-1-2013

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