Monday, January 16, 2012

Pray for our Pastors

Some people like a loud pastor. Others enjoy a pastor who can dig deep. Some like one who keeps altar calls and others enjoy pastors who say long prayers. I personally enjoy anyone who can bring a good sermon in the best way they can. I don't feel that I should measure each individual by the same yardstick. However, I feel that each person should present their ideas in their own unique way.

You want to get the message across in a simple distinct way and I think it's important to pray and ask for guidance to lead the people. I've been to services where there was no sermon given but people were blessed because the leader let the spirit run the service. Sometimes, it's not the most educated person who get the message to the masses. Sometimes, it's the person who fell from grace or who was scorned and ridiculed. But, that's the person who people relate to. They want to hear the story and learn how they can rise from a fall too.

The only thing I don't like is when the service - singing, music or preaching gets too loud or too prolonged. You can't drag the message out if you want people to be inspired. I applaud all the persons who have stepped up to preach. They are often harshly judged and criticized but they are the earthly shepherds for God's flock.

I pray that we are more understanding to the pastors, priests, preachers and ministers and that we also pray for their well-being.


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