Monday, December 19, 2011

Ongoing Projects

I enjoy country life! It is calm and cool and the children love it. The water is very cold in the morning but the heater will be on soon. A cat visits me from time to time and people say that is good luck. Cows visit me too because I need to get my yard to get manicured.

I have a lot to do including getting a little farm started but I will take projects in stride. I still have the inside of the house to do some work on too. I am looking at other freelance projects as well. I enjoy that kind of work! I am hoping that one day, I can freelance and have that cover my bills - freelancing and farming that is!

Working full time is great too but the office politics gets a little too annoying for me. I've never wanted to be a boss but I would like to be more fulfilled. I will keep my eyes open and my mind ticking.

Keep the faith and the keep your head on!


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