Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 7, 2011 will mark a new beginning for the British Virgin Islands

November 7, 2011 will mark a new beginning for the British Virgin Islands. The decisions that the people make will have a significant impact of the way of life and the culture of the country. While there has been a spirit of diviseness, we are hoping that the visit to the polls will cure this. Certainly, we do not want this to get worse.

I have my predictions on who will win but what I am hoping for is the best of all teams present to unite to improve our BVI. What we really need is unity in the country. The party lines that divide us only make the country weaker. We have prayed for the people to vote with their hearts and with their country in mind first.

I have favorites coming from the three parties and among the independents. However, they all can't win but we have to try to work with who will. I personally have seen some incumbents that must go. It is no longer acceptable to take the nonsense that they pass out - in bad decisions or white/brown envelopes. Some are still embroiled in this corrupt style of politics and it must stop. They are taking our country's treasury and spilling the money for unworthy causes.

What we need is to see the benefits of our labor. We need to know that projects are technically sound and cost effective. We want stiffer accountability from all levels of government. We want our infrastructure fixed. We want education brought back on track. We want the sewerage where it is supposed to be not on the road.

It is a pivotal time and all I can ask is for the people to pray before they cast their ballot. The future is literally in your hands.


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