Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Artists Against Addiction

I am an Artist Against Addiction. I really don't know if I can toot myown horn to call myself an 'ARTIST' but I performed along with Ouida, Metango, Maccabee, Foggy Mountain Boys, Capable, Accapella Fellas, Adoration & Praise and other Callaloo Poets and I think that we all did an awesome job addressing the issues of drug and alcohol addiction.

My only question is 'Where was the rest of the audience?' A free concert on a Saunday afternoon should have attracted much more people from the community. There were even giveaways - pens, bags, flashlight-radios and other stuff. Of course, i don't mean that you should attend events to get free stuff. However, we need to support the community more.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse, HIV/AIDS, Diabetes, Cancer - these are REAL here in the BVI. So where were you?


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