Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Artists Against Addiction

I am an Artist Against Addiction. I really don't know if I can toot myown horn to call myself an 'ARTIST' but I performed along with Ouida, Metango, Maccabee, Foggy Mountain Boys, Capable, Accapella Fellas, Adoration & Praise and other Callaloo Poets and I think that we all did an awesome job addressing the issues of drug and alcohol addiction.

My only question is 'Where was the rest of the audience?' A free concert on a Saunday afternoon should have attracted much more people from the community. There were even giveaways - pens, bags, flashlight-radios and other stuff. Of course, i don't mean that you should attend events to get free stuff. However, we need to support the community more.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse, HIV/AIDS, Diabetes, Cancer - these are REAL here in the BVI. So where were you?


Thursday, January 22, 2009

My links between poetry and music

I am excited about the prospects for 2009 for poets and musicians. As World Poetry Day approaches in the next months, I plan to write a feature piece on writing as I notice people have many misconceptions about poets, poems and poetry.

I once believed that poetry was OK. Now, as a poet, I feel joy when I can share my work with others. Some people hate Hip Hop/Rap. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion. However, you can never judge an artform, a person or any tangible or non-tangible thing unless you have met, tried or experienced it.

I love music - lyrics, beats ... everything. The foundation of a song is the lyrics - all the other stuff are aesthetic. Today, the young minds have been trained to hear the beat first and disregard the lyrics. The US artists seem to be waking up because the people with the earning power who buy albums have stoppped. Who wants garbage in their car. I give Lil Wayne a lot of credit because when he first came out, I never like his style. He has improved and is very deserving of the awards he has received.

My favorites for now remain Ludacris, Outkast, Common and Kanye West for their consistently unique styles. Much love to these artists and others such as Lupe Fiasco and Soulja Boy who have broken the barriers of age, color and sex with their fresh styles.

My local artists have come along way to - the Hip Hop groups. Reggae artists are consistent and ours have so remained. Don't confuse the reggae with the dancehall. Church Boyz, Squad Up, HIgher Level and Oreggae Boys are all doing well lyrically and with their original beats - most times. I am getting tired of these re-makes of US artist songs - try drums, try acapella - something..........

My reggae artists - especially Capable, Shine-I, Jalon, Metango and Maccabee - acapella anything - these guys are always ready to go and the lyrics are REAL, original and touching to the spirit.

As a poet, my composition may be similar to the above musicians but they are composing to then find the appropriate beat to go along. I just flow and let go in word sound.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009


My MSN Messenger sign-in name today is 'Do you think that 2009 will be a poor year for wedding planners, florists and greeting card writers?' Let us seriously think about this - relationships are pretty crappy these days. We as human are behaving deplorably these days.

Whether you want to follow the Ten Commandments or what has been penned the Seven Deadliest Sins - it's all the same. We no longer live for the love of our Creator. We no longer treat our earth like it sustains our existence. Today, we have been caught up in the 'financial crisis' - the financial breakdown of the world's financing markets and financial stability.

Do you notice the repetition of the word 'financial'. I think money is killing us - our relationships, our family structures are we as a people. We are hungry, tired, over-sexed, under-sexed and miserable. Where is your brother's keeper? Am I being my brother's keeper?

I have to talk about myself too because I can be mean too. I have to try to be more of a better person - give more, love more and deal with people better. It's so simple - the solution is that we start with WE. It's the ME and the WE that need to be rejuventated and rescued.

Start with you today - set the example. Be good to each other.


Thursday, January 15, 2009


Where is the LOVE these days? What has happened to people that they seem so sour in relationships? Is the economic downturn causing a rise in divorces? LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS, BE FAITHFUL, ACCEPT YOUR LOVER and YOU WILL BE FINE.

I find people so sour these days. Even the basic courtesies which should be given on a regular basis - Good Morning, Excuse Me - have gone. I am not sorry to say this - If you partner is getting on your nerves - work it out or leave.

The rest of the world does not need to be victim to your relationship woes. Be kind to people - be real with people. Stop hating and stop watching what people have. If you are watching people, learn from their example and stop criticizing them.

Deal with your business and keep it off the streets.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Irony of Life

I have been in the BVI for few years now after finishing my undergraduate degree. Living here can be nice and can have a lot of high points. There are days that I wish I was back in Ithaca in the cold.

Because we are in a warm climate does not mean that we are warm and friendly souls all the time. BVI is becoming a little New York City - rich, crowded and full of snobbish people. Am I the pot that is calling the kettle black - NO. I live and deal with everyone with an open mind.

We have been overcome with the influx of cruise ships, law firms and cruise ships and agriculture and our 'culture' has become almost non-existent. What ever happened to us?

30,000 vehicles for 30,000 persons
Minimum Wage - $4.00 and Lawyers bill $400.00 per hour (miinimum)
Trade Licence (base fee) - $500.00 and Incorporation of a Company (base fee) - $350.00
Big Hospital in the making - not enough doctors
Sewerage system - FAILED LONG TIME!

When will our leaders get it together and stop focusing on petty nonsense and starting looking closer at the youths and future...

To be continued


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What's good for me

Parents throughout the ages have and will continue to try to control their children's career choices. My children can choose to be whatever they want with my minimal input.

For me - my father wanted me to be a lawyer and my grandfather (mother's side) said that 'lawyers are liars'. It was my choice. Now I work in a law firm - by need, not choice.

I have never needed much. A good TV, a good crossword puzzle and good food - lil chocolate every now and then keep me happy. I have my boyfriend and my kids and my good friends and we keep it together and have fun together. I just love the simple life. I don't want to rack up billable hours on the back on the young, old or the stressed. I prefer to write my poetry, plant in a garden and dance with my kids. The love that song 'Put your backside in'. lol

Just my thoughts!

Seeking contestants for the 2009 Miss Teen Diva and Miss Junior Diva

Seeking contestants for the 2009 Miss Teen Diva and Miss Junior Diva

Island Entertainment Production is seeking contestants for the 2009 Miss Teen Diva Pageant. Serious young ladies between the ages of 12 and 17 who are interested in personal development, fashion and community service are invited to sign-up for this prestigious pageant. The winner of 2009 Miss Teen Diva Pageant can look forward to exciting guest appearances at different events during her reign.

Additionally, young girls between the ages of 6 and 11 are invited to compete for the first ever Miss Junior Diva. Both pageants feature exciting segments such as Creative School Wear and African Diva Wear and both chance winning a bank account, an educational grant and many other exciting prizes. The deadline for applications is February 28, 2009.

For more information about Miss Teen Diva or Miss Junior Diva, email islandentertainmentproduction@yahoo.co.uk or call 543-8246 or 342-4451 or 441-3509 to get more information.

Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt