Wednesday, October 16, 2024

POEM for World Food Day 2024: Overload

Today is World Food Day and I am sharing this poem based on a prompt.

Promptober Day 16: OVERLOAD
Prompt compliments of Worcestershire LitFest & Fringe


We all have
A right to food for a better life
And a better future
We should be
increasing food production
investing in agriculture
While showing appreciation for nature
But some have
An overload of everything
They need and more
Instead of sharing
They prefer to be miserly
And enhance their stores
While others
Suffer from hunger and thirst
And with climate change
It only gets worst
We do need
Access to healthy food
Remember the
“Milk, it does your body good?”
Commercials of long ago
We need
Safely produced food
That will keep our bodies strong
We don’t need
Food filled with too much preservatives
To make it last far too long
An overload
Of chemicals and harmful ingredients
That wreck our immune system and
Throw our hormones out of whack
We need
An overload of healthy choices
And for this, we need to overload our voices
And bring action from the farm to the table
Because everyone is still more than able
And we are smart with technology
That we can devise new farming methodologies
That can coexist with climate change
Because if there is one right I can give
It would be for people to eat healthy and live
An overload of love

© Linette Rabsatt 10/16/2024

In honor of World Food Day 2024.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Video: Sharing Poetry for Reading is Fun Week 2024

I had the pleasure of sharing some poems with students at the Ivan Dawson Primary School and the Ebenezer Thomas Primary School. I treasure any time that I spend with the younger generation sharing poetry or encouraging words!

I shared these poems:
  • 𝕆𝕕𝕖 𝕒𝕦𝕩 𝕋𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕤
  • The Vacuum Speaks
  • Mango Array

Thursday, October 10, 2024

POEM: Party

Worcestershire LitFest & Fringe, thank you for today's prompt, "party."

This Tanka poem is dedicated to our Virgin Islands' exquisite tart filling and special liqueur.
The 2nd best tart filling got a poem!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Poem: relief


Worcestershire LitFest & Fringe, thank you for today's prompt word, "relief." Life is a journey of ups and downs and I wanted my piece to show what happens when things are upside down and when you land on your feet.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Poem: One Hand by Linette Rabsatt

This piece is based on the Caribbean saying that "one hand can't clap." Let me know if I captured the essence of this proverb in this piece.

Monday, September 30, 2024

My Super September Poetic Highlights and a New Poem

September is my favorite month because of course, I am a Virgo. During this month, I shared my work on several platforms. I am forever grateful to my family, friends and supporters. I'm always appreciative of feedback so please reply here or on the various links.

Here's the September journey:
  • Poem Published on Poetry X Hunger
My poem, Fade Away, was published on the Poetry X Hunger's website. Poetry X Hunger's mission is to use poetry to raise awareness, compassion, and funding. Kindly leave a comment on the page with your feedback on my piece.
  • National Spoken Word Awards (NSWA)
Thank you to the 270 persons who voted for me in the National Spoken Word Awards! Life is a journey. I want to inspire the world with my words. Being nominated is a feat in itself. I will continue to share my words in the hopes of inspiring the masses. Invest in what grows you!
  • The P.O.E.T Radio Station
I shared my poem, De-Stress, on the P.O.E.T Radio Station's Voice Behind the Pen on September 9, 2024 for the NSWA Celebration. I was on from 1:28:35 until 1:33:55 and received feedback on my piece. On September 30, 2024, I shared Bob Marley Vibrations during another call-in show. I was on from 1:06:40 until 1:07:27.
  • Pulse Poetry Magazine
I am so happy about the September issue of Pulse Poetry Magazine! I'm on pages 66 and 67, but please check out the other talented poets!
  • Pulse of the Caribbean Podcast
Please check out my interview for the Pulse of the Caribbean Podcast: #30 HR, Farming, and Poetry: The Multifaceted Journey of Caribbean Poet Linette Rabsatt. Honestly, I never realized that I talked so much. During the interview, I shared Mama's Prayers.
  • Micromance Magazine
My poem, Roses in Bloom, was published in Micromance Magazine! It's a little different from the pieces I usually share which are more focused on struggle, unity, nature, etc. This poem is for the "lover in you" because Micromance Magazine is all about love!
  • Let's Poet
I performed during an online poetry event with Nita Chase and Let's Poet on September 28, 2024. I shared two pieces, Loving Me (12:15 to 13:36) and Love Above the Label (1:51:14 to 1:52:35).
  • New Poem
Here's a poem to close out September:

the race is not for the swift
but when God grants you a gift
be sure to use it wisely
and with his guidance
use it timely
because you should seek
to do better
you should work proudly
to honor your ancestors
because legacy is a true concept
remember our foreparents'
hard work and intellect
use that inspiration
to ensure that you leave the nation
in a better condition
that you met it in
© Linette Rabsatt 9-30-2024

Thursday, September 12, 2024

New Poetry Video: Who Am I

I absolutely would love your feedback on this poem. Who do you think I am referring to?

POEM for World Food Day 2024: Overload