Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Poem: revisited

Please check out my latest video of my Poem, revisited. It's my first try at video creation. I would be grateful for your feedback on the poem and the video. Please subscribe to my channel.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day 2024

I wrote this poem in 2008 and shared it with the Island Sun Newspaper for Father's Day. I enjoy writing for celebrations because we should honor our family members and community with our talents. I created the graphic very simply. I didn't want too much prettiness or flowers. I didn't want it to resemble the typical Father's Day images. 

On Facebook, there's always some controversy about fathers and their role. I don't indulge in those topics. I am appreciative of my family and the role they played in shaping me. I can only encourage young and new parents to do their best for their children. If the romance has dwindled and you can't get along, find a common ground to take care of your child. That advice was for both mom and dad.

As parents, we nurture our children physically, mentally, and emotionally. Don't let a spouse or significant other, your job, or friends distract you from your family. Invest in what grows you.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Poetry is Alive: My May 2024 Journey

May 2024 has been exciting for me as a poet. I shared my work in online readings, in magazines, and during a live poetry competition. I feel energized to share my work and to encourage other writers to do the same.

However, I also heard several persons say that they felt burned out I remind you of the following:
  • A job should not define you. You are more than a position.
  • Invest your spare time in you. Learn something, write something, grow something, or make something.
  • Think carefully about work-life balance. Work hard, shine, meet, and beat the timelines, but take care of yourself.
  • Rest, pray, sing, laugh, and dance.
I also want to encourage you to invest in yourself. I have worked hard to share my work. I look for journals, competitions, online open mics, and magazines. I want to inspire the world with my work; I have to champion that effort. Please invest in what grows you!

Check out my various participations this May:
Also, as I think about my statement about a job not defining you, I am sharing something fresh from my archives

a new definition

I looked at myself and said, no way
my definition has gone astray
what is my purpose? what is my vision?
how am I making correct decisions
if I don't have a clear definition?

I said if my goal was to look like BET
then there's no future in that for me
how can I define myself by these TV standards
and make my life another sad played-out ballad

is it a man that I need to define me
to fight another sister recklessly?
girl, you can have that brother
my definition is for me to be a better mother

material things? they've come and gone
I focus on my needs - the priority, #1
this personal definition is not of my pocket
it's my soul, my passion, the love I give and get

my education - yea that helps me plot my vision
raise my awareness and keep me in unison
still, a degree does not define me fully
but has opened my eyes to Mother Earth around me

so where does my definition lie?
a tiny taste of humble pie
brings me to realize that life
though tough and filed with rife
makes my definition complete

the love that has been given
and the love that I have given
makes me complete and real
my definition

© Linette Rabsatt

Please don't forget to get a copy of my Kindle book, "Be Inspired: Poems by Linette Rabsatt." Also, please visit my YouTube pageYouTube page for my latest upload, "A Broken Pen,A Broken Pen," which was shared for Poetry Downtown Rutland.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

My National Poetry Month Experience and a Poem

I have not written on my blog since April 2, 2024. It's not that I wasn't writing or wanting to share. April was National Poetry Month in the USA, and I celebrated it by participating in a daily writing challenge, online readings, and one workshop. Thank you to Angel Kim-Mack for sharing the challenges in Papi's Poetry Corner.

Dr. Michael Anthony Ingram of Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio and YouTube interviewed me on May 2, 2024. It was the first time anyone ever picked my brain so deeply about my writing. I look forward to hearing the edited version that Dr. Ingram will share soon. I am truly grateful for this opportunity.

Online interviews and poetry readings have helped me with delivery and confidence. I feel that I have improved my intonation and pace. More exposure provides avenues for development and keeps you open to suggestions.

I always encourage investment in our talents. Continuously seek avenues to share your work by connecting with our persons in your field. Ensure that your name is on your work before you share. Most importantly, get your work out there!

Here is one of the poems that I wrote for challenge. The image for this post is the picture I colored.

Day 29 Prompt: Write a poem from the perspective of a forgotten photograph. What memories does it hold or bring back? What feelings did it make you feel? Tap into the nostalgia of it.

Having Heart
I remember when we tried to show
that we had heart
our own people stood with us
while silently tearing us apart
the mission was to deliver a simple
kind and generous gesture
nothing extravagant or bourgeois
but yes - we did take a picture
not to boast that we did something
that was oh so great
but to remind people that not
everyone has a food-filled plate
it seems that no matter what
you try to do in this life
somehow people find the way
to make confusion and strife
but what I most remember
about that day
was not what anyone had
to express or even say
it was the joy of coloring a
plain bunny rabbit
taking me back to a time
when being creative was
a pastime and not a habit
so that’s why I will continue
to invest in my poetry
and not waste time with people’s
bad attitudes and anarchy
I’m going to continue sharing
love straight from my heart
hoping that one day my love
will also touch your heart
© Linette Rabsatt

I am very excited about a feature spot on Calling All Poets Series on Thursday, July 18, 2024. Thank you to Mike Jurkovic for allowing me to share my work with a global audience. I plan to share poems that span my writing career which started in 1996. Register here and tune in to support me and the other poets who will be participating in that reading. 

Remember, continue to hone your talents and get your work out there!

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Meet Stefan - Talented Musician from The Virgin Islands

My son first introduced me to Stefan's music. I was intrigued by his song, "Going Pro," which featured Jefe Tunez.

The hook of "Going Pro" is:
"Cold world that we living in
Sometimes I even consider giving in
I know that I'm better than
everybody they bringing in for shows
but you know how it goes when you're chosen
I know I've been on your radar
People be faking, they ain't really who they say they are
Don't think I'd make it far
The thing is I know
soon they going to recognize me wherever I go."

Stefan is a multi-talented artist from The Virgin Islands (BVI) who has been creating music for the last seven years. I was able to chat with this singer and rapper on March 30, 2024, to learn more about his music.

Stefan classifies his genre as "worldwide" because he does not narrow himself to one specific genre.

Who Writes Your Music?
Stefan writes all his music. He shared that he started writing songs in high school using beats he found on YouTube. He said he was inspired by J Cole, a mainstream rapper who wrote his lyrics in a book. Stefan followed suit and also began penning his raps in a book.

Who Produces Your Music?
He shared that he was tired of buying beats, so he started creating them. He continued to refine this skill and has become more comfortable with his production abilities.

What Inspires You to Write?
Stefan shared that he was more into the arts, specifically drawing, then his parents bought him a Mac, and he started honing his Photoshop skills. He noticed the GarageBand app and began to experiment with creating songs.

Early Journey
In the beginning, Stefan started sharing his music on SoundCloud, with the support of his close friends. At first, he did not tell his parents he was uploading music. Once they knew, they encouraged him and helped to fund his dream. After five years of posting on SoundCloud, his girlfriend motivated him to upload his music on revenue platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube.

What Has Been Your Biggest Musical Accomplishment?
Stefan said his hugest musical accomplishment five years ago would have been shout-outs from fellow Virgin Islanders. Today, he considers his consistency over the past seven years to be his greatest achievement. He is proud that people across the world play his music.

Who Do You Listen to?
Stefan is pursuing studies in Arizona, so he is exposed to different styles of music. He is inspired by J Cole, Kanye West, and some underground artists. He shared that tobi lou is one of his influences because his music is about having fun.

Would You Collaborate on a Soca or Reggae Song?
Stefan said he would be willing to collaborate on either genre, but it would have to feel good. He said he would give it his all.

Who Would You Like to Collaborate With?
Stefan would like to collaborate with Rock City, considered the most influential musicians in the entire Virgin Islands. He described an opportunity such as this as "legendary."

Favorite of All Your Songs
Stefan said that his favorite song has not been released yet. However, his published favorite is “Out of Control,” which was released in early 2024. He considers it to be a versatile pop/disco song that was well-received.

Advice for Persons Who Want to Get into Music
Stefan had several pieces of advice to share:
  • "Practice consistency."
  • "You can’t be afraid to invest in your talent."
  • "You have to put in the time."
  • "Figure out how you can do what you love, but do it differently because if everyone is doing the same, no one really stands out."
He also shared that his parents gave him the tools, but he invested in the software. He added that while he would not share his first tracks, he has seen progress and is happy with his journey. He said, "Investment in your music will pay off eventually, but not with money right away." He added that he has had some setbacks with projects getting pushed back, which can be unmotivating. However, he encouraged artists to keep their heads up.

Do You Have Anything Else to Share with Readers?
Stefan shared that he was an artist from Tortola who has been creating music for over seven years. He has loved music his whole life and loves to express himself through various art forms. Music happens to be his favorite because it evokes emotions.

He also stated that he appreciates his circle of family and friends for their ongoing support. Stefan gave a special shout-out to "the boys" because they visited him every Saturday. He said, "I wouldn't be Stefan without them." They love music and helped to push him and build his confidence.

New Music
Stefan was excited to share that he has new music coming soon! While he was not ready to share any details of the upcoming tracks, I could sense the excitement in his voice. He said the new projects are "definitely something to look out for.”

I am looking forward to hearing more from Stefan. Subscribe to his social media pages for the release date of his new album.

Monday, April 1, 2024

POEM: Time to Act
It's like everything is in vain!
So WE complain,
and yet when it's time to stand up,
we sit down and shut up.
Time for action was said
but action time – everyone gone dead.
I said, “Time for action”.
Make inspiration be your reaction.
Time to act,
and make progress a recorded fact.
Procrastination is what keeps us back
and then we wonder why we lack
But I think it is common sense
because we have the power.
So let your actions shower,
and enlighten and revitalize the world.
Speak positively to the boys and girls
Because love in life is not a fallacy,
WE have to make progression our reality!

POEM for World Food Day 2024: Overload