Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Poem: A Snippet

You'll gonna make me lose my mind up in here
But thank God for a Lord who cares
cause when I start to fret and fear
He sorts out the wheat from the tares
although they make look like a perfect pair
God know our hearts and he makes repairs
so rather than fear and scare
have faith cause God is always there!

Copyright ribbon 2011


Monday, October 10, 2011

A Key Story

Keys seem to be very important to people. Some of us relish the fact that we can control a key. It seems to be an element of power. I relish the fact that I control my words and that I can craft and shift them as I like in my blog. Any door can be broken down if the key is not released.

However, words convey every feeling that we have in this life. As much as they cause problems, words can squell a beef or express forgiveness. I forgiving people in different ways. If someone has been hinting that they want their space, I'll be glad to give it to them. The tension may be sharp but I have my headphones and can easily take a trip outside for a walk. So keys are simple just a symbol for one person but can be freedom for another. This freedom comes when access is discontinued - there is no more pressure or stress. Every thing works itself out.

Working in different jobs has helped me to read people. Most of them just want to use you for your talents. They are afraid to see you rise and are threatened when you shine. These are the people you leave with their keys. I seek to shine in many other arenas because I am not limited to just one dimension. I am like a multi-sided 3-d shape. I am hard to figure out yet I am simple to deal with.

So, don't let anybody victimize you or harass you. If you can't find a way out of a tough situation, hold the figurative keys to your mind and release the key of bondage and stress.

Net Profit
you hold the keys
but never on my knees
will I bow to you.
the actions you do
are not right
in any shade of light.
if in paradise
you can not realize
your safety and peace,
then you do need a release
and relief from tension
with no more apprehension.
just to stay away
from the smiley plays
and be true to my family
because reality
defends reciprocity
and life can only be
your own reality
accept it and defend it
true love to be your profit

 © Linette Rabsatt

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fun in Wiriting - Add Some Literary Devices

Metaphors and similies are necessary to lighten or brighten the English language. Otherwise, we would be saying that the cat looks like a feline. Doesn't it sound better to say that the cat is sly like a fox or that the cat was slow like a turtle? I guess we can even say the cloud sings or the trees howl. It just really makes the English language funny and I can add creative elements to my poetry.

We use literary devices to enhance our writing. Sometimes, people overuse common ones which can be considered cliches. I don't think I'm much of a metaphor user. I use more alliteration, rhyming, a little onomatopoeia, short lines or other techniques in my poetry. I write articles, press releases, speeched and blog entries but not much story/fiction.

I think that's a good challenge for me! I am going to experiment with fiction in short stories. Readers and followers, please be sure to leave me a comment so I can continue to improve.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ribbon's Thoughts on Struggling, Persevering & Living

Crisis is here. Corruption is on the rise. So why are the high officials continuing to sweep the wrongdoing under the rug? They must be corrupt too. So what's really causing the crisis? It's all about greed.

We have become to lustful of our neighbours' goods and are trying to reach much farther than we can extend. I watch others to learn from their mistakes and to get good ideas. I am too much of a simple person to dig myself that kind of trouble. There are certain things that I want but I have to refrain from getting them because I simply cannot afford it. Where I can make a sacrifice, I will but it most cases it is far beyond me. I have to seek simple solutions to pull me out of the hole so that I can climb forward.

I never want to be a disappointment and therefore I need to live within my means so noone does not have to open the newspaper to hear that I have stolen or defrauded anyone. There is a lot of funny business and apparently we need to be mindful of the friends we keep. My friends are all progressive and are seeking to do positive things. I wish to remain that way too. I can only hope that those caught in corruption will change their ways. When you acquire by illwill, it never lasts.

I have had to work hard for everything that I have. Some people feel that I don't deserve it. It is God's will and if the Lord decides that I am to move on, so be it. I know the 'wants' that I have sacrificed, the trips to Red Cross, the walking that I have done and I am happy to say that I feel blessed to have lived simply but yet enjoyed life. I am glad to share my story as well.  As I move forward with the blessings that God has given to me, I can only smile. I know trials will continue but I go in faith.


Monday, October 3, 2011

My Broken English in a Poem

I stop wondering
cause I doing things
big and little things
I ain't pushing nobody
I just hailing
and passing with speed
cause I don't study delays
or distractions
unless is something positive
I got a higher calling
and I ain't got no time
to be bawling
I dusting off
and pushing harder
so if you ain't got
something nice to say
back off
and move out my way


Friday, September 30, 2011

Rediscovering Something You Enjoy

It's nice re-discover something that you enjoy. I enjoy nice music and it's great to hear a pretty song that you have not heard in years. I've been replaying Kenny Latimore's "Never Too Busy" because it is truly a relaxing song. I would love to be a DJ so that I could entertain the world with beautiful music. I have my little playlist that I walk with to work because sometimes, you need that mood music to relax your tired mind.

At work, you have to find that balance. It's either the music or a co-worker or friend that you can chat with for a minute to break the monotony. You may prefer a favorite snack or a walk outside but you need that stress breaker. For me it may all of the above that I need on a day or just one. I also love a Guyanese snack called Mitai because it breaks hunger and tastes good too. I am also an M&M fan as I shared in my thoughts about being a chocolatoholic.

Sometime, the walk is the best option to get away from a tough situation or a chatty co-worker. That is one of the few things that I love about where I work now. I'm in the midst a natural landscape and I can take a nice walk and see life and growth. There are unpleasant eyesores here and there too but I have learned to ignore them. I wish I would not ignore them but to complain is a cry to deaf ears.

I prefer to eat my M&Ms and find a cool tree.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Seeing Someone After A Long Time

Sometimes you see a person that you have not seen in over a year and the greeting or reaction is poor. You may have shared intense, happy, sad, fighting or restless moments together. However, when people move on or move away, they change. They put their energy into so many other things. They probably forgot that you exist. For anyone to be successful, they have to continuously progress.

We get hurt sometimes but we have to get over it. Sometimes, some time away may be able to garner you more respect from others. It makes no sense to waste time wondering about people's reactions anyway. We need to focus on improving ourselves and our interactions with others. We will only get respect when we give respect.

Also, sometimes we think that people are cold but they may just be preoccupied. Who really has the time to wonder what everyone is thinking. We have so many challenges facing today that we need to stay centered.
