Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Welcome to the New 2011 NDP Government

Welcome to the Honorable Members of the 2nd House of Assembly in the British Virgin Islands:
1st Andrew Fahie - VIP
2nd Alvin Christoper - VIP
3rd Julian Fraser - VIP
4th Mark Vanterpool - NDP
5th Delores Christopher - NDP
6th Alvera Maduro-Caines - NDP
7th Dr. Kedrick Pickering - NDP
8th Marlon Penn - NDP
9th Ralph O'Neal - VIP
Dr. Orlando Smith NDP
Myron Walwyn NDP
Archibald Christian NDP
Ronnie Skelton NDP
We have all repeated one phrase today, "The people have spoken". For the previous months, many repeated "Leh We Do This Thing". From today forward, I say it's about "doing the real things". We have infrastructure to mend, a hospital to complete and staff, tourism to revive, agriculture to grow, education to truly go from so-so to good and youths to empower and inspire positively.

We also have to remember that while we have elected representatives, we also have our work to do to. I hear people saying that the new government will not do us right and we will be sorry. I firmly state that we will not let them slip to that point - the point we were at on November 6, 2011. We have to help them work to get our BVI back on track. If we can co-exist with our representatives and the opposition, then we do more.

In relation to the opposition, we have four vocal VIP representatives who I expect will stay on the issues. Otherwise, they should not expect to be back in the next election. Many of them almost were ousted so they need to watch their backs. The want and need for power is crippling and this is why we have to work with all our reps to keep them grounded.

I pledge my support to the 5th district where I am about to go to live and to the 6th district where I attend church, have family and where my children's school is located.

We have to keep 'doing this thing' - this unity, this national pride - to keep our heads afloat in this trying times. Welcome to the Honorable Dr. D. Orlando Smith and his Cabinet. We are looking forward to your best representation as we work together to improve our BVI.


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