Saturday, April 14, 2012

Prayer for April 14, 2012

Dear God,

Thank you for the bountiful rain that blesses our cisterns, our gardens and our lives. We thank you for nature that abounds around us. We are truly blessed to experience such a great scenery in the British Virgin Islands with all the species of birds, lizards, fruits, vegetables and other flora and fauna. I pray Lord that I will be a good steward of the natural beauty around me and that I will teach my children and others in the community to do the same. Dear Lord, you put us to live in balance and to take care of the land and we ask that you forgive us for our wrongdoings of every kind and especially to Mother Nature. Dear God, we thank you and praise you. AMEN

Friday, April 13, 2012

Two Poems with One Click

Poem 1
I know not what my destiny is
and I know not about this thing called bliss
but I do know what I miss
and everyday I miss
your kiss
I do know that I love you
and while my words may seem untrue
Your image stays with me in all I do
your smile turns my grey skies blue

Poem 2
I do know what I wish
but I need you to teach me how to fish
not by throwing me in a ditch
or giving me a bucket list
but by seeing me through it all
cautioning me before I fall
giving me a boost when I call
and by making me reach to stand tall


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bickering Little Siblings

Why do siblings always have to bicker? My children drive me nuts with the constant fighting and tattling on each other. Sometimes I feel like screaming and many times I do. I wish they would just stop!

They are close in age and both are very competitive. The competitiveness is good but the little one always wants to outshine the other one. I am trying with them but they do get my blood boiling. My attempts to get them to play together hardly works unless I am there to chaperone.

I feel that they should be able to play independently without my constant eye over them. If you have any suggestions that you would like to share with me and the world, please leave a comment. I can use any suggestion that you give to keep peace in the house.


Monday, April 9, 2012

The Plight of Civil Servants

Working as a civil servant can be a thankless job with no upward mobility. You'll see other people get promotions and know that they do not deserve it. You'll see certain people get away with all kinds of bad deeds. Yet the bosses will expect you to still perform at your full potential. You'll see them plot for others and fire people for nonsensical reasons.

However, this is the case in private companies too. It's just that the civil service is bigger in my country than the private sector. The civil service always puts on a show that it is so great and in reality it's filled with problems.

As a civil servant, you have options though. You can leave. You can ask for a transfer. You can also just work in the situation and on your private time develop other interests or businesses to keep you challenged and stress free.

There will always be a need for employees in any civil service and you can never get away from nepotism. The great that I know about myself is that I can work anywhere so I'm never stuck. I always have options to reach for.

Do your best on your job and be thankful for what you have. Many are unemployed. I do my hours and get the work done to the best of my ability. After the 8-hour day is finished, my real time starts with taking care of my family and pursuing my other personal interests. I'll continue to do my best and remain thankful for what I have. It only makes me stronger and my resume better!


Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Funny but Serious Guide to Being Wise

To be wise, you must:
1. know how to multiply
2. when you talkin, look in dem eyes
3. be sure to condomize
4. there's no limit when you try
5. nothin's wrong with having to cry
6. it's ok to be shy
7. you can always ask why
8. Give praises to God on high


Friday, April 6, 2012


No one likes disappointments and I surely don't. I am looking at some great things at my fingertips and I can't touch them. It's quite frustrating! I'm am so excited sitting on the edge of my seat saying "Why! Why!"

Hopefully I'll be able to grab at that piece of paradise soon. I am really hoping that I will. Disappointments can also be a blessing and toay may not be my day but I know my hour will come.

I'd like to encourage everyone to enjoy life to fullest and have a Great Easter.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

POEM: Bounce Back Mother Earth

Our beloved Mother Earth,
she is crying out
and for what it's worth
we should know what her pain is about

She is tired of our folly
and all the pollution we give her
she is no longer jolly
as the garbage stifles her laughter

We know we are making her too hot
with all that we have going on
she just wants us to stop
so she can be like when she was born

She's tired of our pillaging, overfishing and burning
as we rape the renewable resources
her anger is like an engine churning
and this brings us hard weather forces

Each man that stands on earth today
needs to do his part
because we can't keep treating Mother Earth this way
and today is when it needs to start

We have to see ways to reuse and recycle
and reduce the waste we make
it's the only way to ensure the water cycle
and help Mother Earth to remain awake

So do what you can today
to keep your environment in tact
if everyone helps in every little way
then Mother Earth can safely bounce back!

© Linette Rabsatt