Sunday, April 20, 2014

When You Choose to Stand Up or Out

The people persecuted Jesus and crucified him. Sometimes many of us feel like we are going through that same thing. Life today is different from the olden days but it is still very much the same. People who are different stand out and are easy to pick on. It is even harder if you are standing up for what is perceived to be right.

Some people are not correct in their 'standing up or out'. My opinion is not based on popularity, but on what is right. Too many leaders in the churches, workplaces, homes and communities have adjusted standards to meet a changing generation and changing times. There are some basic things that need to remain basic standards. For me these include manners, respect, punctuality, keeping your word and apologizing when needed.

I am guilty too of allowing things to happen because of stepping on egg shells but how long can we all let things go? This is why the children disrespect the teachers, why the police are not respected and why the jails are full everywhere. No one man can just change the world in one moment but it's our little actions that can positively influence others.

Jesus went around with the common men. He healed the sick and ministered to who would listen. He was a radical but with the right cause. He laid his life on the line to save us from sin. Therefore, if you have a cause that you want to follow or stand up for, make sure that it is a right and good cause. Don't be the one to stand on the mountain when you should just do what you are told to do.

Pick your battles wisely. If you do not like the organization, meaning workplace, that you are in and cannot abide by the rules given,  then you need to look for another job. When you get to the other job and see that you are in the same predicament, then it's time to evaluate you.

Don't make the mistakes that many others have made and make yourself a victim. Instead make yourself a positive role model and use your influence for positive change.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

POEM: Songbird Inspiration

After a long day
I just feel in a "Songbird" kinda vibe...
to ease my "Tension"
because I've " soul"
We all know that "War is not the answer"
and although "Times a get hard",
I relish "The Rain"
because in all the pain
life is still "So Beautiful"
even with a "Bumpy Ride"
here and there
I'm thankful because
I have been able to experience
the "Best in Life"
I'm "Holding on to Freedom"
and "I Know"
it is "A New Overstanding"
because we must preserve
and persevere
so as the "Birds of Paradise" sing
I relish the positive energy
and stand strong
in the "Power of Love"


This poem was inspired by the Songbird Riddim Songs on Sound Clound. Read my blog post about the songs here.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

No Longer Business As Usual

It's no longer business as usual. We all have said this- in our homes and on our jobs. It is said widely in the community as well. The business covers a lot - relationships, finances, outreach and just plain old every day living.

Things are different whether we like it or not. Sometimes it just a rough phase we are going through and other times, we ourselves are just rough. In these times, we have to seek innovative ways to do the things that we are accustomed to. So if it means that you can only eat out once per week instead of three or that you have to take on additional assignments at work - it is what it is.

Sometimes we have to look at how we can move forward and basically do more with less. I'm not saying that it will be easy or that challenges won't come but life was never meant or promised to be easy. We have to work for what we want. We expect rough patches and challenges and we have to deal with them.

Smooth sailing is for a sailor who never leaves the dock. Tighten your belt, walk your talk and  move forward.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mixed Up Moods and Attitudes

It is not nice to judge people based on what you hear. And sometimes what you see may be representative of a bad day. We all have our ups and downs. I know there are people who would say that I am rude but it's a small percentage because they caught me at a bad time. It's not everyday that I'm in a good mood and no one can say that they're always in high spirits.
Coppermine, Virgin Gorda, BVI, Good vibes

Music is my mood updater. It's the app that makes me most happy. It's the chocolate at that time of the month and it's the heart mender for me. It's important to have something that can distract you from what's negative around you. It's imperative that you have an outlet.

So many people are stressed around us and they don't share what's happening to them. It's not everything that we can pick up on either. However, when we realize that something is wrong, it's time to address it and deal with it.

Let's be a help to those around us. Even if our listening ear can't help, we can direct them to someone who can. Remember we are our brother's keeper.

The Fantastic Four and Jacob Miller explained it best in their songs with similar title, "Mixed Up Moods and Attitudes" and "Mixed Up Moods" respectively.

Mixed up moods and Attitudes by the Fantastic Four Image result for mixed up moods and attitudes jacob miller


Niyorah "LOVE YOU SAME WAY" {Official Video - Diamonds and Gold Riddim -...

Thursday, March 20, 2014

POEM: Regaining Inspiration

It took me some time to
rid myself of the block
and it wasn't like it was locked
but I guess I was just flocked
with insignificant tidbits
that just offset my wits
for some moments
so my comments
have been minimal
and the subliminal
remained in space
not shared
but not to worry
it's all under repair
and while you may
want to compare
it's only fair
to let you know
that I dare
to be different
I dare to face the
I move with passion
and not in the everyday fashion
cause that's my style
and my vibe
is about contentment
and positive sources to vent
releasing the blocks
that keep us locked
in our fears
it's time to awake and rise up

© Ribbon 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Short Poem: Music in the Message

Rhythm makes the beat of my message
and blues show my versatility
even if I pop my ego along the way
the reggae sensations take me to the next level
and soca time is happy time
I'm a 70s baby and a classic comic
so my range is wide and contains 
elements of all genres

© Ribbon

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hoping for the Best

I am a proud Black Diamond generation, a descendant of Christiana Freeman from Belle Vue, Tortola. I also have Johnson, Cills, Blyden and Samuels blood in me with roots that reach to St. Croix. I am a proud Virgin Islander in every way.

I love my people and my heritage. I am a melting pot of talents, personalities and cultures with deeper roots in Africa. My life journey so far has been eventful and interesting. I say a lot of "been there, done that" even though I am not a thrill seeker but I love my life.

I have no reason to be depressed or hateful. I still wouldn't change a thing. God charted this destiny for me and I look forward to whatever else he has to bring for me. Good and bad come and these all help to mold us. I'm not wanting the bad but in life things happen that we don't like and don't want. God is in control. I will cry and will feel hurt in some instances but I can't change time or circumstances.

Mr. Merrit Herbert would always announce every morning on ZBVI, "Hope for the best, get ready for the worst and accept what God sends."


Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt