Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hobbies & Pets

I sew decently by hand but am leery of a sewing machine. I think I need to get the hang of it again. However, I’ll stick to gardening for the time being. I have to re-establish my green thumb and get everything growing. Then I can venture to other things like sewing and picking back up my embroidery – which I have to relearn.
The other day, I hemmed my daughter’s school skirt and I sewed some darts in it. After all of that work, I burned a hole in the skirt. I then patched it and then burned another hole in the patch. You can be sure that skirt is in the garbage now. Frustrating!
I am hoping that my tomatoes and butternut squash grow. I feel confident in the peas trees except when the cows come and bite off the tops. The next additions to the family will be a goat and a dog. I believe the goat might start acting like a dog too!
By the time the sewing machine comes, the goat will be barking, the dog will be trying to eat the peas tree and the squash will trip the cows.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Prayer for February 22, 2012

Dear God,

We extend our gratitude for your endless blessing upon us. We praise your name for the sun, the moon, nature, our earth, our people, our agriculture and our culture. We look to you for strength, for peace and for love. We plead the granting of strength so that we can endure life in these times. Lord, we do not pray for financial prosperity but for the wisdom to innovate, make do with little and to survive under meager circumstances. Lord, bless the farmers - the people who feed us and grant them a free spirit so that they can produce bountifully. In your name I pray.


Monday, February 20, 2012

New Reggae Music from the BVI: The Foundation by Shine-I

Shine-I | The FoundationShine-I released his anticipated debut album, "The Foundation," on January 12, 2012. A massive album release party is set for March 4, 2012 in the BVI.

Darius Semper, known to most people as Shine-I, is an energetic reggae lyricist and recording artist hailing from the British Virgin Islands (BVI).

Shine-I released his debut album, The Foundation, on January 12, 2012. British Virgin Islanders have been buzzing with excitement as they have seen Shine-I perform at poetry readings held by the Callaloo Poets, at Farmers' Week, Artists Against Addiction showcase, BVI Festival and other events. He has also hit the stage in the neighboring US Virgin Islands, building up his performance resume.

The New Album
 His new album comprises fourteen original tracks including a poetic "Intro - The Uprise" which was wirtten by Shine-I's wife Adell and performed by both of them. The mixing was done by Marcus Mark and Lincoln Ward. The local airwaves have been booming with requests to hear songs from The Foundation, including the title track, "The Foundation", "Empress", Bright 'N' Morning Star" and "I'm Sorry".
  • "The Foundation": "The Foundation", the title track, is rightly named as it is the second track on the album and gives a rousing introduction to what the rest of the album has to offer. Shine-I's lyrics begin, "If the foundation be moved/ What would the righteous do/ If Jah temple be destroyed/ What would become of the boys and girls."
  • "Empress": "She is an empress/ Watch at the way she flex/ Caring with love so endless" begin this song, which expresses respect and adoration for a mighty woman. Another sample of the lyrics is "She is a true Empress/ See how she living/ Straight to her word/ Righteousness she be bringing...." Makisha Gordon, former Calypso Queen, and April Glasgow sing the background vocals on this mellow track which brings a neo-soul fusion to reggae rhythms.
  • "Black Love": "Black Love" is a reggae duet sung by Shine-I and Maccabee who is also from the BVI. They sing for the need of wholesome love in the world today. The chorus is simply "Whether it is white, yellow, black love, let the peace fly like a dove/ One thing that the whole world needs from us is love." The two balance the song with their unique voices on a beat produced by Marcus Mark.
  • "I'm Sorry": "I'm Sorry" is a soothing reggae song that should soon become a classic. As the track title reveals, this song is an apology for, as Shine-I states, "all the wrong I've (he's) done." In the bridge, he states "I'll cater to you girl for all the days of my life" to show the deep sincerity in the apology.
  • "Universal Chant": This is the only song that Shine-I performs solo that was co-written by another lyricist. Adell co-wrote "Universal Chant" which calls for senseless violence to cease. The song starts off with a light drum beat and a soft guitar with the chilling but soft sound of a siren in the background. As the song continues, Shine-I asks for people to live in peace and unity.
Album Release Party
The Foundation was launched in January 2012 but the grand album release party is scheduled for March 4, 2012 at La Piazza, Prospect Reef in Tortola. Artists who will be celebrating and performing with Shine-I include BVI's Maccabee, Ritical, Imo, Capable and Empress Ruth. Regional artists performing include Mada Nile from St. Croix, USVI, Jah Vinci from Jamaica and Infamus from St. Kitts and Nevis. 

Shine-I has put a lot of effort and time into crafting his style and sound. His hard work has paid off with the release of The Foundation. With songs like "I Got It Bad", DreamSnatcher", "P.V." and "The Foundation", this album gives listeners a great balance of reggae music with a BVI flavor.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Simple Lessons

We learn simple lessons everyday. We watch the ants pull as a team to survive. We watch the spiders spin their webs to catch food and safeguard their young. We see how some plants die to give birth to young ones. It's amazing how nature replenishes and balances itself.

We can also learn from the way the sea rolls and the sun shines. Everything has its place and its duty. By the will of God, that will must be done. It is all about balance.

We have to take these simple lessons and apply them to ourselves too. We know that we must eat, must give off waste, must exercise, must pray and the list goes on. Life will never be a perfect day. We have to find ways to keep us in focus while keeping life light - balance.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

POEM: My Chart

Look at the person I am today
no one ever knew that I would be this way
I've grown, I've charted, I've innovated and I've survived
so that means that all of us can live meaningful lives
just keep your prayer on and keep your faith up
cause life is not only about luck
You have to persevere, strive and smile
even when hard times come for a little while
Know who you are today
Know when it's times to play
Know when and what to say
and most importantly, know when it's time to pray
© Linette


Friday, February 17, 2012

The Great Delegators

I used to think that being smart was a gift but I think being able to delegate is even more special. We all know someone who can delegate even the slightest task. These people are either lazy or they just mean that they will not perform certain tasks. I laugh when I look at these things.

I get that 'lol moment' especially when the person is mandated to perform that task but yet they pass it over to the next willing participant. It's great to know these awesome delegators because you can run when you see them coming. They have the best words sometimes because they can tell you how great you are! But noone can really be greater than them because they will take that credit.

Others are the 'lords over all' and their word must be done. Somehow they have made themself like a God and slave-drive everyone into oblivion.

Whatever type of delegator you work with, run or just learn how to work around them. I can't stand them and I just run.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feeling Sick but Getting Better

Today was one day that I spent in bed. I was warm, cold and sick with a headache out of this world. After drinking medicine and other home rememdies I am feeling a lot better now. I am going to make another mixture of lime, honey, Inflammation bush and Bay Leaf to see if the last of the flu-like symptons can go.

I was also supposed to try some garlic but I'll rock that in the morning. It's not easy when you're sick and have children to take care of. I've been so grumpy and tired that I didn't even watch Matlock today! I think the best way to deal with a cold is to nip it early. I'm going to take another dose of the medicine and home remedy and head back to rest.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day Tripping Week

It's another beautiful day in the Virgin Islands. Yesterday I went to Anegada and today I'll be traveling to Jost Van Dyke. My purpose is work related but I'll the opportunity to enjoy a day in a different island. On Thursday, I head to Virgin Gorda so it should all prove to be interesting.

I have lots to do and would more need a pc but I'll go with empy hands to note what's going on in 'Sister Islands'. I can always catch up another day to meet the deadlines I have before me.

Island Hopping is cool in the Virgin Islands and I would recommend for any tourist on a budget to hit the US and British Virgin Islands for a full VI experience. Each island is unique and just a day trip is not enough to see all that we offer. I say we because I've got a little bit of both in my blood. I am a United Virgin Islander (Dara Cooper said that first)!


Monday, February 13, 2012

Prayer for February 13, 2012

Dear God,

Thank you for another beautiful day. We are blessed to have this life and the blessings that you have granted us. We bless you name, Lord and say thank you thank you for all that you have done. We are not worthy of your goodness but you continue to love us. We pray that we are able to love like you do.