Wednesday, August 5, 2015

POEM: Living in Confusion

Living in Confusion

We live in a disillusioned orbit
where one product tell us not to clean
because the mist will clean the germs
and another tells us that 99% of bacteria
is killed by the spray
or so they say
because over-consumption is OK
and we live by what the media says
We're unable to think beyond the fashion
to harness our true potential
the real passion
because everything today is recycled
Now nose rings are our theme
We've  just absorbed the ideas and ideals
of others and show no love for our brothers
But my brother,
you need to keep your helmet on
because I am tired of singing
and hearing sad songs
and don't forget your other cap
because that other set of
consequences can lead you to the
grave or to making a generation of
frustrated youths
who have no father figure
So add it up and then divide
because whether the planets collide
you have to know who you are
on the inside
so don't get tied up
or caught up
get your life in the right gear
and prepare yourself
for the future

© Ribbon 

Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt