Monday, May 25, 2015

POEM: A Journey of Thoughts

I watch a horse's stride,
a mother carrying her baby at her side;
even as clouds on their journey collide
and in the highest branches
where the birds abide.
It can be as simple as a ferry boat ride
or a good friend in whom I can confide,
because you can't keep all
your feelings bottled up inside.
So I arise, although I sometimes cry
and sometimes wish for wings to fly,
let me pause and sigh.....
It's not every action that needs a reply.
It's time we decide to let certain things fly
because on your journey,
it'll never be as easy as pie
and sometimes you have to be bold and not shy,
then lift your eyes to the sky
because there are some feelings
that you cannot deny.
So take your journey
with your head held high
and know that there are tough choices
that only you can decide.


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Our Differing Views

Everybody has different views. That's the norm. However, it is not reasonable to be upset with me for mine or for me to be upset with you for yours. I especially cannot deal with persons who just have these offset views and will not admit that they are wrong. If there is a rule or law that is passed in an institution or something that is commonly understood and agreed, you are not correct if you go against the norm.

For example, if my children's school states in the dress code that students should wear yellow shirts, how can I send my children to school with orange or green shirts? I like to talk about 'common sense' but it really is not common.

As spring goes into summer, I see people's personal agendas being shuffled out into public forums. Have we lost the sense of the big picture? People are talking about rules that have been in place for years and research reflects that these rules are no different to those in effect in other jurisdictions - close and far.

Interpretation and perception can differ; however, when the rule or law is clearly written, there should be no question. I support that we have our opinions but I will reiterate that I will not stand by or for nonsense. We can agree not to agree with the law or rule - but that's not our fight in every case. Look at your role and act as you ought to.


Monday, May 11, 2015

A Poppy Show Moment

I like things that make me laugh. I look for funny movies and happy songs. As I write this, I'm listening to a plethora of Phil Collins songs which may not all have a happy message but provide pleasant and easy listening. I had many laughs today and some were because of words thrown out. Humor helped the situations to be dealt with.

In the VI, we have a phrase we use - "poppy show". I don't know the origin of this colloquialism but we usually refer to it someone who is being laughed at and not laughed with based on a behavior they have exhibited. It could also be someone who is trying to get laughs. I have been a "poppy show" before because sometimes you just have to ease the tension.

Today had a combination of both and this is good for me because throughout the tension and trials of day, I was able to exercise my facial muscles. Sometimes, you just have to take a moment for a laugh.


Poem: Indecision by Linette Rabsatt